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Shanghai: Improve the Subsidy Standard for Updating New Energy Buses and Power Batteries


On September 3, Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission issued the notice of Shanghai Municipality on further plus-sized to promote the implementation plan of replacing old with new consumer goods (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan").

The plan points out that the subsidy standard for updating new energy buses and power batteries should be improved. Implement New Energy city buses and power Battery the detailed rules for the implementation of updating subsidies require that fixed subsidies should be given to updating buses in new energy cities and replacing power batteries. Encourage to reasonably choose the type of bus length of new energy city public transport vehicles to be replaced according to the changes of passenger flow and the development of city public transport industry. For the renewal of new energy city buses, the average subsidy for each car is 80000 yuan; For the replacement of power batteries, the subsidy for each car is 42000 Yuan.

The original text is as follows:

notice on printing and distributing the implementation plan of Shanghai Municipality on further plus-sized efforts to promote the work of replacing old products with new ones

relevant units:

with the consent of the municipal government, the implementation plan of Shanghai Municipality on further plus-sized efforts to promote the replacement of consumer goods with old goods is hereby printed and distributed to you. Please implement it carefully.

Shanghai Development and Reform Commission

shanghai Finance Bureau

september 2, 2024

Shanghai's implementation plan for further plus-sized efforts to promote the work of replacing old products with new ones

according to the relevant requirements of the ministry of finance of the national development and reform commission on several measures to support large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods exchange old for new (no. 1104 [2024] of the ministry of development and reform), this implementation plan is specially formulated to make overall use of the super long-term special national debt to support the work of replacing old with new consumer goods in this city.

I. Main objectives

make overall use of the super-long-term special national debt issued by the state to this city. By the end of 2024, we will focus on supporting the motor vehicle liquidation update and the replacement and renewal of individual consumer passenger cars. Household appliances and electric bicycles will be replaced with old ones, and old houses will be decorated, partial retrofitting, such as kitchen and bathroom, the purchase of articles and materials used for home aging transformation, the promotion of smart home consumption, etc., as a whole, support the old operating truck scrap update, agricultural machinery scrap update bid, new energy buses and power batteries are updated and raised, which strongly drives the investment and consumption of this city.

II. Supported content

(1) implement the National Motor Vehicle liquidation update subsidy standards. On the basis of the detailed rules for the implementation of auto replacement subsidies (commercial consumer letter [2024] No. 75), individual consumers scrap the country III and below emission standard fuel passenger cars or April 30, 2018 (including that day) new energy passenger cars registered before, and purchase new energy passenger cars or passenger cars with 2.0 liters and below displacement of fuel oil included in the catalogue of new energy vehicle models with reduced vehicle purchase tax, the subsidy standard is raised to 20000 yuan for the purchase of new energy passenger cars and 15000 yuan for the purchase of fuel vehicles with a displacement of 2.0 liters or less. (Responsible units: Municipal Business Committee, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, municipal ecological environment bureau, municipal economic information commission, municipal public security bureau, municipal taxation bureau, municipal finance bureau)

(2) adjust the subsidy standard for auto replacement in this city. In the "detailed rules for the implementation of subsidies for promoting automobile consumption in Shanghai" (Shanghai Development and Reform Code [2024] No. 6), "old cars in Shanghai in 2024" replace old cars with new & rdquo; On the basis of the detailed rules for the implementation of subsidies (No. 61 [2024] of Shanghai business market), the subsidy standard is raised to 15000 yuan for those eligible individual consumers to buy pure electric passenger cars by replacing old ones with new ones; for eligible individual consumers, the subsidy standard is raised to 12000 yuan for buying the country's six B fuel passenger cars in exchange for new ones. (Responsible units: Municipal Business Committee, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, municipal finance bureau)

(3) implement the national policy of replacing household appliances with old ones. For individual consumers to buy refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, air conditioners, computers, water heaters, household cookers, exhaust hood class 8 Class 1 energy efficiency products at a sales price of 20%, level 2 energy efficiency products are subsidized at 15% of the sales price. Each consumer can subsidize 1 piece of each type of product, and the subsidy for each piece is no more than 2,000 yuan. Through the method of receiving category consumption coupons through mobile payment channels, the verification and verification of coupons will be carried out in the policy stores. (Responsible units: Municipal Business Committee, municipal finance bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

(4) support the replacement of household appliances, home decoration, home furnishing and aging products. For individual consumers to buy suitable sofa, mattress, cabinet, bathtub, toilet, sweeping robot, vacuum cleaner, air purifier and other household appliances, home decoration, home furnishing and aging products, the specific product catalog shall be clarified by the municipal business committee and relevant departments. The relevant products are subsidized at 15% of the sales price. Consumers can use UnionPay Cloud flash payment, Alipay and WeChat to pay the three mobile payment methods once, and the subsidy cannot exceed 2,000 yuan each time. (Responsible units: Municipal Business Committee, municipal civil affairs bureau, Municipal Housing and Urban Construction Management Committee, municipal economic information committee, municipal finance bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

(5) promote the replacement of electric bicycles with old ones. For individual consumers to hand in and scrap electric bicycles (including batteries) registered in this city under their own name, and purchase new electric bicycles that have obtained the national compulsory product certification certificate, this city gives individual consumers a one-time subsidy of 500 yuan for car purchase. Consumers who enjoy subsidies are encouraged to purchase new electric bicycles produced by enterprises that meet the "standard conditions of electric bicycle industry. In exchange for lithium-ion battery electric bicycles, their batteries should also meet the requirements of "safety technical specification for lithium-ion batteries for electric bicycles" (GB 43854) standard. (Responsible units: Municipal Business Committee, municipal market supervision bureau, municipal public security bureau, municipal economic information commission, municipal ecological environment bureau, municipal emergency management bureau, municipal finance bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

(Vi) implement the scrapping of the country's old operating trucksNew policy. Implement the requirements of the "notice on implementing the scrapping and updating of old operating trucks" issued by the Ministry of Transport, support the operating diesel trucks with emission standards of scrap countries III and below, and accelerate the updating of a batch of high-standard and low-emission trucks. For diesel trucks operating with emission standards of three or less countries in advance, trucks operating with emission standards of six countries in advance and newly purchased with emission standards of the six countries or new energy trucks, and new energy trucks only newly purchased that meet the conditions, subsidies shall be distributed. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Commission, municipal ecological environment bureau, municipal economic information commission, municipal finance bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

(7) support the scrapping and updating of the four diesel vehicles in this city in advance. Encourage in-use diesel vehicles to scrap and update them into new energy vehicles in advance, and focus on plus-sized elimination and renewal efforts of national four diesel vehicles to improve the cleaning level of motor vehicles in this city. The quota elimination subsidy shall be given to all the vehicles in the city that scrap medium truck, heavy trucks, medium buses, large buses, medium special work vehicle and heavy (large) special work vehicle in advance; the new energy renewal subsidy shall be given to all the vehicles in this city who scrap the four diesel vehicles in advance and purchase new energy vehicles according to the battery capacity. (Responsible units: Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, Municipal Transportation Commission, municipal public security bureau, municipal finance bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

(8) improve the subsidy standard for updating new energy buses and power batteries. Implement the requirements of the Ministry of Transport "new energy city bus and power battery renewal subsidy implementation rules", to update the new energy city bus and replace the power battery, give quota subsidies. Encourage to reasonably choose the type of bus length of new energy city public transport vehicles to be replaced according to the changes of passenger flow and the development of city public transport industry. For the renewal of new energy city buses, the average subsidy for each car is 80000 yuan; For the replacement of power batteries, the subsidy for each car is 42000 Yuan. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Commission, municipal finance bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

(Ix) implement the national agricultural machinery scrapping policy. Focus on ensuring stable and safe supply of grain and important agricultural products, improving the enthusiasm of farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations to scrap and update old agricultural machinery, according to the notice on continuously implementing the subsidy policy for the scrapping and updating of agricultural machinery in plus-sized (No. 4 [2024] Of the agricultural machinery office), this city requires tractors, grain combine harvesters, Rice rice transplanter, rice video encoder, agricultural Beidou auxiliary driving system, grain (grain) dryer for scrap update subsidies. On this basis, if a tractor below 20 horsepower is scrapped, the maximum scrap subsidy amount for a single tractor will be increased from 1,000 yuan to 1,500 yuan; The combine harvester will be scrapped and new machines and tools of the same type will be purchased. On the basis of the current subsidy standard, increase the standard of scrap subsidy by no more than 50%. (Responsible unit: CityAgricultural Rural Committee, municipal finance bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

III. Fund management

(I) sources of funds

the above support content involves the sharing of funds by the state's super long-term special national debt and municipal finance according to the proportion of 85%:15%. Municipal Finance shall be arranged from corresponding channels. Among them, local supporting subsidy funds for bus new energy renewal shall be arranged as a whole from municipal bus special projects, agricultural machinery scrapping and updating local supporting subsidy funds are arranged as a whole from the special project of rural revitalization. The local supporting subsidy funds for household appliances, home decoration, home furnishing and other products in this city are arranged as a whole from the budget of the municipal business committee departments, in motor vehicle liquidation, the remaining six local supporting subsidy funds, such as the renewal of electric bicycles with old for new, and the replacement of national household appliances with old for new, were arranged as a whole from the municipal special funds for energy conservation and emission reduction. If the central funds issued by the state are used up, the excess part will be arranged by the original funding channels of municipal finance.

(Ii) fund management process

1. Municipal business committee, Municipal Transportation Commission, municipal agricultural and rural commission, Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau and other responsible departments formulate implementation rules according to national policy requirements, calculate capital demand, and report to Municipal Development and Reform Commission and municipal finance bureau;

2. The Municipal Development and Reform Commission, together with the municipal finance bureau, should make overall arrangements for funds according to the capital requirements reported by each responsible department;

3. Relevant responsible departments organize and implement according to the implementation rules and financial arrangements, carry out declaration, and report to the Municipal Development and Reform Commission after examination;

4. After the review of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the capital use plan shall be issued;

5. Each responsible department shall apply to the municipal finance bureau for appropriation according to the corresponding funding channels, and the municipal finance bureau shall review and allocate according to relevant regulations.

(1) strengthen organizational leadership. The Municipal Development and Reform Commission is responsible for coordinating and coordinating the work of supporting consumer goods to replace old ones with new ones with extra-long special treasury bonds. The municipal business committee, together with the municipal economic Information Commission, the municipal civil affairs bureau and the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Management Commission, is responsible for formulating motor vehicle liquidation updates, individual consumer passenger car replacement updates, home appliances, home improvement and smart home products, the detailed rules for the implementation of household aging products and electric bicycles, such as replacing old ones with new ones, are well organized and implemented. The Municipal Transportation Commission is responsible for formulating the implementation rules for the renewal of old operating vehicles, new energy buses and power batteries, and organizing and implementing them well. The municipal agricultural and rural committee is responsible for formulating the implementation rules for scrapping and updating agricultural machinery, and organizing and implementing them well. The municipal bureau of ecological environment is responsible for formulating the implementation plan for the early scrapping and updating of national four diesel vehicles, and organizing and implementing it well.

(2) strengthen the supervision of funds. The Municipal Development and Reform Commission is responsible for overall coordination, organization and fund allocation. The municipal finance bureau, together with the municipal Development and Reform Commission, scientifically and reasonably formulates the fund calculation plan, grasps the rhythm of strength, reasonably allocates funds, completes monitoring and early warning, strengthens supervision and verification, and effectively improves the efficiency of the use of funds. For those who do not meet the above requirements and violate the financial discipline, they should recover the funds in time and seriously investigate the responsibilities of relevant responsible personnel.

(3) Create a good market environment. It is necessary to support enterprises with different ownership and registration places to participate in large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods exchange old for new. The municipal market supervision administration shall promptly follow up and strengthen the supervision of product quality and price, strengthen the quality supervision sample testing of products, plus-sized the investigation and recall of defects, urge enterprises to implement the main responsibility of quality and safety, and strictly investigate and punish price cheating and other behaviors, vigorously safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. If any illegal act such as defrauding subsidy funds by improper means is found, it shall be dealt with seriously according to regulations according to law, and those suspected of committing crimes shall be transferred to judicial organs for strict investigation and punishment according to law.

(4) timely follow up and ask for results. Municipal Business Committee, Municipal Transportation Commission, municipal agricultural and rural commission, Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau and other departments should carry out self-assessment and self-inspection on work promotion, project implementation, use of funds, achievement of performance goals, etc, timely report the use of funds and the completion of performance targets to the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the municipal finance bureau. The municipal finance bureau, together with the municipal Development and Reform Commission, summarized and formed the performance evaluation report, and took the evaluation results as an important basis for the subsequent optimization of the Fund arrangement.

(5) strengthen publicity and guidance. Municipal Business Committee, Municipal Transportation Commission, municipal agricultural and rural commission, Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau and other departments should timely release relevant information about consumer goods exchanging old for new through government websites, new government media, government service platforms and other channels, strengthen policy interpretation, respond to social concerns, guide all sectors of society to actively participate, and vigorously create a good social atmosphere. Carry out theme consumption activities in combination with important nodes such as summer vacation, school season, Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, "Shanghai summer" and "Double Eleven" to expand consumption scenarios and boost consumption capacity.