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National Energy Administration Issues "Regulations on Issuance and Trading of Renewable Energy Green Power Certificates"


On September 5th, the National Energy Administration issued renewable energy green Power notice of certificate issuance and transaction rules (hereinafter referred to as rules).

The rules point out that green certificates conduct transactions on platforms that meet the requirements of relevant national regulations. Currently, they rely on China's green power certificate trading platform and Beijing and Guangzhou Power trading centers to conduct separate transactions of green certificates; relying on Beijing, Guangzhou and Inner Mongolia Power trading centers to carry out inter-provincial green power trading, relying on provincial (district, city) power trading centers to carry out intra-provincial green power trading.

The original text is as follows:

notice of the National Energy Administration on issuing "regulations on issuing and trading green power certificates for renewable energy"

national energy development new energy regulation [2024] No. 67

energy bureaus of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government), development and reform commissions of relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, all dispatched agencies, State Grid Co., Ltd., China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd, inner Mongolia Electric Power (Group) Co., Ltd., relevant central enterprises, general water regulation Institute, General Electricity Regulation Institute and relevant associations:

in order to implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the second and third plenary sessions of the 20th CPC Central Committee and improve the green and low-carbon development mechanism, according to the relevant requirements of the notice of the ministry of finance of the national development and reform commission and the national energy administration on doing a good job in the full coverage of renewable energy green power certificates and promoting renewable energy and electricity consumption (no. 1044 [2023] of the ministry of development and reform), we have formulated the Regulations on issuing and trading renewable energy green power certificates, which are hereby issued to you. Please follow them.

august 26, 2024

attachment: Renewable energy green power certificate issuance and trading rules

renewable energy green power certificate issuance and trading rules

chapter I General provisions

article 1 In order to regulate the issuance and transaction of renewable energy Green power Certificate (Green Electricity Certificate(GEC), hereinafter referred to as Green Certificate), and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all parties according to law, according to the requirements of the notice of the Ministry of Finance and the state energy administration of the National Development and Reform Commission on doing a good job in the full coverage of renewable energy green power certificates and promoting renewable energy power consumption (No. 1044 [2023] of the Ministry of Finance), formulate these rules.

Article 2 These rules apply to wind power (including decentralized wind power and offshore wind power), solar power (including distributed photovoltaic power generation and photovoltaic power generation), regular hydropower, biomass power generation, geothermal power generation, the electricity quantity of renewable energy power generation projects such as ocean energy power generation corresponds to the issuance, trading and related management of green certificates.

Article 3 green certificate is the only proof of the environmental attribute of renewable energy in our country, and is the only proof to identify the production and consumption of renewable energy electricity. The issuance and transaction of green certificates should adhere to the principle of "unified issuance, open transaction, market competition, transparent information and traceability throughout the process". The issuance is organized by the state in a unified manner, and the transaction is open to the society, prices are formed through marketization, information disclosure is timely and accurate, and data in the whole life cycle is authentic, tamper-proof and traceable.

SecondChapter division of responsibilities

article 4 The National Energy Administration is responsible for the specific policy design of green certificates, formulating relevant rules for issuing transactions, and guiding issuing agencies and trading agencies to carry out specific work.

Article 5 The National Energy Administration Power business qualification Management Center (hereinafter referred to as the National Energy Administration qualification Center) is specifically responsible for the issuance of green certificates.

Article 6 power grid enterprises, power trading institutions and national renewable energy information management center cooperate to do a good job in issuing green certificates and provide data and technical support for issuing, trading, applying and writing off green certificates.

Article 7 green certificate trading institutions shall be responsible for the construction and operation of their respective green certificate trading platforms according to relevant specifications, organize and carry out green certificate trading, and synchronize the transaction information to the national green certificate issuing trading system as required.

Article 8 The subject of the green certificate transaction includes the seller and the buyer. The seller is a power generation enterprise or project owner who has established a filing card, and the buyer is a legal person, an unincorporated organization and a natural person that conforms to the relevant provisions of the state. The buyer and the seller shall participate in green certificate transactions in accordance with these rules. The transaction subject can entrust the agency to participate in the green certificate issuance and transaction.

Article 9 power grid enterprises, power trading institutions, power generation enterprises or project owners, as well as the agencies entrusted by the transaction subjects, shall provide or check the information required for the issuance of green certificates in a timely manner as required, and be responsible for the authenticity and accuracy of the information. Power grid enterprises should also do a good job in the subsidy deduction of green certificate income for participating in the electricity market transaction subsidy project according to relevant regulations.

Chapter III green certificate account

article 10 The transaction subject shall establish a unique real-name green certificate account in the national green certificate issuing and trading system, which is used to participate in the green certificate issuing and trading, and record the status of the green certificate it holds. Where:

the seller completed renewable energy generation on the national renewable energy power generation project information management platform.After the electricity project is filed with the card, register the green certificate account in the national green certificate issuing and trading system, and the registration information is automatically synchronized to each green certificate trading platform. The buyer can register a green certificate account in the national green certificate issuing and trading system, or provide registration related information through any green certificate trading platform, registration information is automatically pushed to the national green certificate issuing and trading system and a green certificate account is generated. Provincial Special accounts are uniformly distributed through the national green certificate issuing and trading system, and are managed by the provincial development and reform departments and energy authorities as a whole. They are used to participate in green certificate trading and accept green certificates transferred free of charge. The qualification center of the National Energy Administration can set up corresponding special accounts for green certificates according to the relevant requirements for subsidy projects to participate in green power transactions.

Article 11 When registering a green certificate account, the transaction subject shall submit the business license or national recognized identity certificate and other materials as required, and ensure that the application materials for account registration are true, complete, accurate and effective. The seller shall also promise to apply only for China green certificate and not to apply for other certificates of the same attribute repeatedly.

Article 12 when the registration information changes, the transaction entity shall submit an application for changing the account information in a timely manner. You can apply for cancellation of an account through the original registration channel. If you cancel post transaction, the entity cannot use the account for related operations.

Chapter IV green certificate issuance

article 13 The electricity quantity of renewable energy power generation projects shall be uniformly issued by the state energy administration on a monthly basis to steadily improve the issuance efficiency.

Article 14 wind power (including decentralized wind power and offshore wind power), solar power generation (including distributed photovoltaic power generation and photothermal power generation), biomass power generation, geothermal power generation, the online electricity of renewable energy power generation projects such as ocean energy power generation, and the fully market-oriented regular hydropower projects newly put into operation after January 1, 2023 (including), have been issued with a green certificate. For the spontaneous self-consumption electricity of the project and regular of the existing online electricity of the hydropower project before January 1, 2023 (excluding), the green certificate is issued at this stage but will not participate in the transaction for the time being.

Dynamic adjustment of the issuing range of transactional green certificates.

Article 15 A green certificate unit corresponds to 1000 kW hours of renewable energy. InsufficientThe power of the month in which a green certificate is issued is transferred to the next month.

Article 16 in principle, the issuance of green certificates is based on the data provided by power grid enterprises and power trading institutions, and is checked with the data provided by power generation enterprises or project owners.

Power grid enterprises and power trading institutions should push the last month's electricity quantity information required for green certificate issuance through the national green certificate issuance trading system before the 22nd of each month.

For power grid enterprises such as spontaneous self-use can not provide the electricity information required for green certificate verification, renewable energy power generation enterprises or project owners can directly or entrust agencies to provide electricity information, attached with relevant certification materials such as electricity metering, the Verification Certificate of electric energy metering device issued by the legal electric energy metering verification agency shall also be submitted regularly.

Article 17 The National Energy Administration qualification Center relies on the national green certificate issuing and trading system to carry out the green certificate issuing work. For power grid enterprises and power trading institutions unable to provide the information required for green certificate issuance, the National Renewable Energy information management center shall declare the data and materials for power generation enterprises or project owners for initial verification, the National Energy Administration qualification Center will issue the corresponding green certificate after review.

Chapter V transaction and transfer

article 18 green certificates can be traded separately; They can also be traded together with renewable energy and electricity, and the quantity, price, delivery time and other terms are separately stipulated in the transaction contract.

Article 19 green certificates conduct transactions on platforms that meet the requirements of relevant national regulations. Currently, they rely on China's green power certificate trading platform and Beijing and Guangzhou Power trading centers to conduct separate transactions of green certificates; Relying on Beijing, guangzhou and Inner Mongolia Electric Power trading centers carry out cross-provincial green power trading, relying on the provincial (district, city) electric power trading centers to carry out intra-provincial green power trading.

Green certificate trading platform should be expanded according to national needs.

SecondTen green certificates can be traded only once at this stage. The minimum unit of green certificate transaction is 1, and the price unit is RMB/unit.

Article 21 The organization methods of green certificate transaction mainly include listing transaction, bilateral negotiation, centralized bidding, etc. The transaction price is formed by marketization. The National Green certificate issuance trading system synchronizes the transaction information of the green certificate and the green certificate to be sold in real time with each green certificate trading platform to ensure that the same green certificate does not repeat transactions.

(1) listing transactions. The seller can also list the quantity and price of the green certificate to be sold on multiple green certificate trading platforms at the same time, and the buyer can complete the green certificate trading and settlement by removing the card.

(2) bilateral negotiation transactions. The buyer and the seller can negotiate independently to determine the quantity and price of the green certificate transaction, and complete the transaction and settlement through the selected green certificate trading platform. Both parties are encouraged to sign medium and long-term bilateral transaction contracts within and between provinces, and to agree in advance on the quantity, price and delivery time of green certificates for bilateral transactions.

(3) centralized bidding transactions. Organize and carry out as needed, and the specific rules will be clarified separately.

Article 22 after the transaction of the tradeable green certificate is completed, the trading platform shall synchronize the information of the transaction subject, quantity, price, delivery time and so on to the national green certificate issuing trading system in real time. The qualification center of the National Energy Administration shall transfer the green certificate in real time according to the transaction information of the green certificate, and the relevant information of the green certificate after transfer shall be synchronized with the corresponding trading platform.

For the green certificate corresponding to the existing regular hydropower projects that were put into operation before January 1, 2023 (excluding), according to the settlement results of hydropower electricity transactions submitted by power grid enterprises and power trading institutions, transfer directly from the seller's account to the buyer's account; If the power grid agent purchases electricity, the corresponding green certificate will be automatically transferred to the corresponding provincial green certificate account according to the settlement result of the electricity transaction, the specific way of assigning green certificates to users shall be determined by the provincial energy competent department in conjunction with relevant departments.

Article 23 The corresponding green certificates participating in green electricity transactions pass the national green certificate issuing trading system, and the qualification center of the National Energy Administration shall transfer the green certificates according to the settlement information of green electricity transactions, the relevant information of the green certificate after transfer is synchronized with the corresponding power trading center. GreenThe organization method of power transactions shall be implemented according to relevant rules.

Article 24 The validity period of the green certificate is 2 years, which is calculated from the natural month (including) of electricity production.

For the electricity quantity of renewable energy power generation projects before January 1, 2024 (excluding), the validity period of the corresponding green certificate will be extended to the end of 2025.

If the green certificate exceeds the validity period or has been declared to have completed green power consumption, the qualification center of the National Energy Administration shall write off it in a timely manner.

Article 25 no unit shall directly or indirectly interfere with the green card market by compulsory means, including interfering with the formation mechanism of green card transaction price and restricting the green card transaction area.

Chapter VI Information Management

article 26 The construction and operation management of the national green certificate issuing and trading system shall be organized and implemented by the qualification center of the National Energy Administration, and the National Renewable Energy information management center shall cooperate.

Article 27 The National Green certificate issuing and trading system provides green certificate online inspection service. Users can log on to the green certificate account or scan the green certificate QR code to obtain the green certificate code, project name, project type, information such as the date of power production.

Article 28 The qualification center of the state energy administration shall collect and count the national green certificate issuance and transaction information as required, and compile and publish the green certificate issuance and transaction report on a monthly basis. Supporting the effective connection between green certificate and renewable energy power consumption responsibility weight, energy consumption "double control" and carbon market, the National Renewable Energy information management center, together with power grid enterprises, electricity trading institutions shall timely calculate relevant green certificate transaction data according to relevant requirements.

Article 29 The qualification center of the state energy administration shall disclose the national green certificate issuance, transaction and cancellation information through the national green certificate issuance and trading system. Each green certificate trading platform shall regularly disclose the green certificate transaction and cancellation information of this platform. Disclosure contentIncluding green certificate issuance volume, transaction volume, average transaction price, write-off information, etc.

Article 30 The National Green certificate issuing and trading system and all green certificate trading platforms shall utilize new technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing and blockchain in accordance with the relevant national information and data security management requirements, ensure that the transaction data issued by green certificate is authentic and reliable, the system is safe and reliable, the whole process is tamper-proof and traceable, and relevant information is retained for reference for more than 5 years.

Chapter VII Supervision of green certificates

article 31 The agencies dispatched by the National Energy Administration shall, in conjunction with relevant local departments, do a good job in supervising the implementation of the green certificate system within their jurisdiction, and put forward regulatory opinions and suggestions in a timely manner. The National Energy Administration will give guidance together with relevant departments.

Article 32 if the green certificate issuance or transaction is incorrect due to reasons such as delay in pushing data, incorrect filling information, system failure, etc., the qualification center of the state energy administration or the green certificate trading platform shall correct it in a timely manner.

Article 33 when the following situations occur, the following disposal measures shall be taken according to laws and regulations.

(1) for sellers who repeatedly apply for other certificates with the same attributes corresponding to the green certificate, or have acts such as data fabrication, as well as the green certificate trading platform that issues other certificates with the same attribute for the corresponding electricity quantity of the green certificate, order it to make corrections; If it refuses to make corrections, it shall be interviewed.

As for the transaction subjects who disturb the normal order of the green certificate trading market, they shall be ordered to make corrections; If they refuse to make corrections, they shall be interviewed.

(2) for the violation of discipline and law, it shall be handed over to the discipline inspection and supervision department and the judicial department for handling according to the procedure.

Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions

article 34 The qualification center of the National Energy Administration shall prepare green certificates according to these rules for verification and issuance.Then, all green card trading platforms shall improve the implementation rules of green card trading in accordance with these rules.

Article 35 The State Energy Administration is responsible for the interpretation of these rules.

These Rules shall be implemented from the date of issuance and shall be valid for 5 years.