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Dongguan Juneng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
137 5142 6524(Miss Gao)
Xinghuiyuan High tech Industrial Park, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

Focus on Promoting the Development of New Energy Industries Such as New Energy Storage, Hydrogen Energy and Light Power.


On September 20, the Office of the people's government of Dongguan city, Guangdong province issued a notice on issuing the implementation plan on strengthening strategic emerging industrial clusters and cultivating future industries to accelerate the development of new quality productivity (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan").

The plan points out that the new energy industry cluster. Focus on promoting the development of new energy industries such as new energy vehicles, new energy storage, hydrogen energy and light power. Focus on the development of automotive electronics, intelligent cockpit, charging and switching system, high-performance batteries and materials, IGBT, fuel cells and systems, new energy equipment manufacturing and other links to encourage solid-state batteries, the research and development and incubation verification of liquid flow batteries and high-safety batteries such as sodium, magnesium and zinc create an important characteristic manufacturing center of new energy industry and an innovative development highland in Dawan district. Accelerate the construction of a national new energy (energy storage) inspection, testing and certification platform. Promote the promotion of multi-scenario application of optical storage and charging replacement and inspection. Support the construction of agglomeration areas focusing on Shuixiang, Songshan Lake, Tangxia, Chang'an and other places, and build the characteristic manufacturing center of new energy industry and the innovation and development highland.

The original text is as follows:

dongguan municipal people's government office on printing and distributing "about strengthening

strategic emerging industrial clusters and foster future industrial acceleration

notice of implementation plan of developing new quality productivity

dongfu office [2024] No. 18

the People's Government of each town (subdistrict office) and all units directly under the municipal government:

Dongguan Municipal People's Government Office

september 14, 2024

implementation Plan on strengthening strategic emerging industrial clusters and cultivating future industries to accelerate the development of new quality productivity

in order to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the spirit of the party's 20th National Congress, fully implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the party's 20th Central Committee, and implement the national, the province's deployment requirements for accelerating the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries and future industries, seizing a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation opportunities, developing and expanding strategic emerging industrial clusters, actively cultivating and developing future industries, to speed up the development of new quality productivity, this implementation plan is formulated based on the actual situation of our city.

I. General requirements

(I) guiding ideology

guided by Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, he thoroughly studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instruction spirit of inspecting Guangdong, based on the new development stage, fully, accurately and comprehensively implemented the new development concept, build a new development pattern, solidly promote high-quality development, improve the system and mechanism of developing new quality productivity according to local conditions, take strategic emerging industries as the top priority of real economy development, strengthen forward-looking planning and policy guidance, seize the opportunity of future industrial development, enhance the competitiveness of modern industrial system, build the innovation source and achievement transformation Highland of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay Area, and form a powerful power source leading high-quality development, the city features of "scientific and technological innovation + advanced manufacturing" are constantly polished to provide strong support for the high-quality economic and social development of Dongguan.

strive to reach the end of 2027, there are no less than 7 industrial clusters with a scale of over 100 billion yuan in the city, the total industrial output value of the regulation exceeds 3000 billion yuan, and the added value of high-tech manufacturing industry accounts for more than 42 percent of the regulation's industry, the average annual growth rate of industrial investment is not less than 10%, and strategic emerging industrial clusters such as new generation electronic information, high-end equipment, semiconductors and integrated circuits, new materials, new energy, biomedicine and high-end medical devices are booming, the development of industries such as artificial intelligence and low-altitude economy has achieved remarkable results. The development of future industries such as the next generation of mobile communication (6g), cutting-edge new materials, physical intelligence and future life health has begun to take shape, focus on breaking through a number of key core technologies in the subdivision field, the scale of strategic emerging industries continues to grow, and the key technologies in the future industry will achieve major breakthroughs, from small to large within 5 to 10 years, in 10 to 15 years, it has become a new growth point from having to being excellent.

II. Key directions

(I) key subdivisions of strategic emerging industries

1. A new generation of electronic information industry cluster. Focus on the development of intelligent mobile terminals, high-definition display, automotive electronics core technology and application innovation. We will focus on breaking through the underlying basic technologies of virtual reality, accelerating the research and development and innovation of key virtual reality devices, accelerating the promotion of immersive display terminals, and enriching the multi-integration product supply and virtual reality applications of 5G and intelligent terminals. Promote core components such as memory chip, image sensors, RF power devices, and core technologies of key basic materials, and accelerate the layout of ultra-high definition video display application product production lines. Support enterprises to fully expand the new automotive electronic competition channel, focusing on intelligent cockpit, intelligent network connection, intelligent driving, intelligent vehicle control has carried out application innovations such as "intelligent mobile terminal + AI", "intelligent mobile terminal + ubiquitous network. Support the construction of agglomeration areas focusing on Songshan Lake, binwan, Chang'an and Tangxia, and cultivate world-class intelligent mobile terminal industrial clusters. (Led by Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology)

2. High-end equipment industry cluster. Focus on promoting the development of high-end CNC machine tools, flexible manufacturing automation, Industrial Master machines, robot servo motors and other technologies. Actively promote the development of electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry to high-end equipment clustering,Strengthen the research and development and industrialization of key components of high-end CNC machine tools, accelerate the popularization and application of high-end CNC machine tools, flexible manufacturing automatic production lines, etc., and cultivate core component enterprises and robot system integrators. Promote industrial mother machine enterprises to improve the level of digital and intelligent production, and speed up the development and popularization of new products. Introduce leading enterprises in servo motor, reducer and other industries to improve and consolidate the industrial chain. Actively promote the integrated application of industrial robots in electronic information, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing. Support the construction of agglomeration areas focusing on Songshan Lake, binwan, Houjie and Xie Gang to consolidate the competitive advantages of high-end equipment industry. (Led by Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology)

3. Semiconductor and integrated circuit industry cluster. Focus on the development of the third generation semiconductor, vehicle-level semiconductor, advanced sealing and testing and integrated circuit equipment. Focus on the development of the third generation semiconductor materials and devices such as silicon carbide and gallium nitride, support the improvement of substrate epitaxy growth process, and vigorously develop high-frequency and high-voltage device products. Focus on developing the automotive electronics industry, accelerate the layout in the automotive semiconductor field, and focus on developing the automotive standard semiconductor industry. Focusing on the advanced packaging field, it supports the research and development of wafer-level packaging, 2.5D/3D packaging, system-level packaging and other technologies, and builds a pilot-test verification platform for integrated circuits. Support independent research and development of integrated circuit production equipment, cutting equipment, packaging test equipment, cleaning equipment, develop and expand the semiconductor equipment industry. Support the construction of agglomeration areas focusing on Songshan Lake, binwan and linshen new generation electronic information industry bases to build semiconductor and integrated circuit industry clusters. (Led by Municipal Development and Reform Bureau)

4. New material industry cluster. Focus on the development of integrated circuits, new display, high performance alloy, new biology and other related materials. Focus on materials such as photoresist, photomask, integrated circuit manufacturing and packaging, and focus on developing new display materials and photoelectric materials with OLED and flexible display as the core, high-end target materials and other important electronic functional materials. Develop the third generation semiconductor materials such as gallium nitride and silicon carbide. Develop high-performance alloy materials mainly made of advanced aluminum alloy, magnesium alloy and titanium alloy, and support the research and development of high-strength alloy, high-temperature alloy, corrosion-resistant alloy and other high-end equipment manufacturing materials with original technology. Encourage the development of biodegradable vascular stent materials, dialysis materials, medical-grade polymer materials, implanted electrodes, high-field strong superconductive magnets above 3T, standard materials for clinical inspection and quality control and other new biomedical materials. We will support the construction of agglomeration areas focusing on Songshan Lake, Shuixiang, Youbu and Dalang to accelerate the development and expansion of the new material industry. (Led by Municipal Science and Technology Bureau)

5. New energy industry cluster. Focus on promoting the development of new energy industries such as new energy vehicles, new energy storage, hydrogen energy and light power. Focus on carsThe development of electronics, intelligent cockpit, charging and switching system, high-performance batteries and materials, IGBT, fuel cells and systems, new energy equipment manufacturing and other links encourages solid-state batteries, liquid flow batteries, sodium, magnesium, research and development and incubation verification of high-safety batteries such as zinc will create an important characteristic manufacturing center of new energy industry and an innovative development highland in Dawan district. Accelerate the construction of a national new energy (energy storage) inspection, testing and certification platform. Promote the promotion of multi-scenario application of optical storage and charging replacement and inspection. Support the construction of agglomeration areas focusing on Shuixiang, Songshan Lake, Tangxia, Chang'an and other places, and build the characteristic manufacturing center of new energy industry and the innovation and development highland. (Led by Municipal Development and Reform Bureau)

6. Biomedical and high-end medical device industry cluster. Focus on the development of a class of innovative drugs, stem cells and gene therapy, in vitro diagnosis, high-value medical consumables (cardiovascular and cerebrovascular implant devices, orthopedic medical devices, dental medical devices, etc.), nuclear medicine and medical imaging devices. Strengthen the supporting role of smart medical care, third-party medical testing and health service industries, and build a core engine with biomedicine and high-end medical devices, the full chain biomedical industry support system of "R & D + clinical + manufacturing + application" supported by smart medical and big health services. Support the construction of agglomeration areas focusing on Songshan Lake, binwan, Shilong and Shuixiang to build a highland for the development of bio-pharmaceutical industry. (Led by Municipal Science and Technology Bureau)

7. Artificial intelligence industry cluster. Focus on the development of intelligent computing hardware, intelligent products and big model applications. Support artificial intelligence to empower technology innovation of various terminal products such as mobile terminals, toys, furniture, household appliances, electric bicycles, etc., expand the "AI + manufacturing" path in PCBA field, and promote replication to photovoltaic, in industrial fields such as moulds, training and optimization are carried out a large model supported by small industrial models. Establish an industrial algorithm alliance to accelerate the development of a batch of "out-of-the-box" intelligent algorithm applications and support a large model research and development of enterprises to incubate strategic emerging industry characteristic models. Optimize the layout of computing power infrastructure, plan the artificial intelligence Industrial Park, and explore the construction of city-level artificial intelligence computing power public service platform. Support the construction of agglomeration areas focusing on Songshan Lake, binwan, Nancheng and Fenggang, and promote the deep integration of artificial intelligence and manufacturing industry. (Led by municipal science and technology bureau and Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology)

8. Low-altitude economic industrial clusters. Focus on promoting the development of low-altitude industries such as unmanned aerial vehicles, electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (eVTOL) and flying vehicles. Support engine, propeller, flight control system, avionic system, main control chip, precision components, core sensor/connector, motor, battery, aviation grade carbon fiber bodySuch as product research and development, and promote core technical research such as high-energy density batteries, situational awareness, intelligent driving, and low-altitude route design. Support the construction of agglomeration areas focusing on Songshan Lake, Xie Gang and Shuixiang, and build low-altitude economic industry leading areas. (Led by Municipal Development and Reform Bureau)

(Ii) key development direction of future industry

1. Next generation mobile communication (6g). Focus on promoting the integration and development of the next generation mobile communication hardware, technology and application scenarios such as the sixth generation mobile communication (6g) and satellite communication. Develop strategic products such as satellite integrated satellite, network communication chips, key components, modules, terminals, intelligent sensors, high-performance RF devices, 6g and satellite intelligent terminals. Focus on breaking through key core technologies such as intelligent terminals and chips, communication system protocols, network access authentication, application scenario simulation, and definition of communication symbiosis. Support the development of high-efficiency optoelectronic devices for visible light communication transceiver and optical front-end products. (Led by Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology)

2. Cutting-edge new materials. Focus on developing new materials such as nano materials, new solid-state battery materials, and key new materials for hydrogen energy industry. Encourage the establishment of national measurement and testing center for nanotechnology industry and support the construction of demonstration platform for production and application of new materials. Develop Multi-system solid-state battery electrolyte materials and new solid-state battery positive and negative materials with high energy density. Develop advanced basic materials such as advanced non-ferrous metals, as well as key strategic materials of hydrogen energy industry such as high-performance fibers and composite materials, rare earth functional materials, hydrogen fuel cell system materials, etc. (Led by Municipal Science and Technology Bureau)

3. Be smart. We will focus on breaking through key technology groups such as robot "brain", "cerebellar" and "limb" to promote the research, development, manufacture and innovative application of robot machines, basic components and software platforms. Support the development of low-cost, high-precision and highly reliable complete machine products in extreme environments. Strengthen the advantages of machine vision industry, focus on developing high-precision intelligent special sensors and expand the application market of machine vision. Build a dedicated operating system with high intelligence, high real-time, high reliability and high intelligence. (Led by Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology)

4. Future life and health. Focus on the application of synthetic biology in the food and beverage industry, and take "synthetic biology + healthy food" as the breakthrough point to promote the food and beverage industry.Upgrade iteration to accelerate the development of the future food industry. Relying on leading enterprises to set up the innovation consortium of future bio-food industry, and to build a full-chain scientific and technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body and market as the orientation to support the high-quality development of future food industry. Accelerate the construction of Dongguan Food Industry Science and technology innovation center and build a service platform of "pilot test + achievement transformation. Accelerate the construction of the bio-pharmaceutical industry innovation and entrepreneurship complex, providing high quality low-cost industrial space for synthetic biology quality projects. Support the construction of agglomeration areas focusing on Songshan Lake, Chashan and Dongcheng to accelerate the development and expansion of food industry in the future. (Led by Municipal Science and Technology Bureau)

III. Working mechanism and safeguard measures

(1) comprehensively strengthen industrial overall planning. Relying on the leading group of city manufacturing and strong city construction, we will comprehensively strengthen the overall planning of the industry and promote the establishment, improvement and implementation of "an industry is under the responsibility of a city leader, a department takes the lead, and various departments coordinate and coordinate, the working mechanism of industrial cultivation and development of the city's overall promotion further compresses the main responsibility in accordance with the requirements of" industry management must manage industry. Focus on the two main themes of transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and cultivation and development of new quality productivity, promote the transformation and development of traditional industries in high-end, intelligent and green, and solidly promote the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industrial clusters and future industries, and keep dynamic connection with key industrial chain work of the city. (The Municipal Development and Reform Bureau, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, and the municipal bureau of science and technology are responsible for the division of functions)

(2) establish a "ten ones" working system. Establish a working system corresponding to "ten ones" of industrial clusters, including formulating a set of industrial policies, building a characteristic Park, introducing a research and development institution, building a pilot transformation platform, set up an industrial fund, set up a service organization, launch a batch of application scenarios, gather a batch of leading enterprises, build a batch of key projects, create a brand event, scientifically grasp the differentiation and phased development characteristics of industrial clusters, promote classification, implement precise policies, and take various measures to promote the high-quality development of strategic emerging industrial clusters and future industries. [Municipal development and reform bureau, Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, municipal bureau of science and technology, Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources, Municipal SASAC, municipal finance bureau and municipal bureau of commerce shall be responsible for the division of functions. Relevant towns and streets (parks) implement territorial responsibility] 〕

(3) improve the scientific and technological innovation system. Accelerate the construction of "source innovation + technology research+ achievement transformation + Technology Finance + talent support "the whole process of innovation ecological chain. Promote the construction of major scientific research platforms, promote the construction of the second phase of Spallation Neutron Source, advanced Attis laser, Songshan Lake material laboratory, etc., and enhance the ability of innovation to support development. Optimize the funding orientation of major scientific and technological projects in the city, support "chain owners" enterprises and leading enterprises to lead the formation of innovation alliances, and aim at the weak links of the industrial chain to carry out chain style integration research across the industry. Accelerate the layout of carriers such as manufacturing innovation center, industrial innovation center, concept verification center, pilot test center and new product introduction center. (Municipal bureau of science and technology, Municipal Bureau of Development and Reform, Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology are responsible for the division of functions)

(4) promote the linkage development with Guangshen. Deepen the integration and development of innovation chain, industrial chain and talent chain with Guangzhou and Shenzhen, actively strengthen division of labor and cooperation, and promote complementary advantages and dislocation development. Fully undertake the source innovation resources of Guangshen, vigorously promote the pilot innovation development of manufacturing industry, and explore the construction of "reverse enclave" by setting up garden parks, building incubators, etc ", build a scientific and technological achievements transformation and manufacturing base linked with Guangshen. (Municipal Development and Reform Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology are responsible for the division of functions)

(5) promote the linkage development of city and town Street (Park). Overall planning and layout at the municipal level, formulation and introduction of strategic emerging industrial clusters and future industrial implementation plans, introduction of policies to support scientific and technological innovation and achievement transformation, and promotion of high-quality resources to tilt to key distribution areas, accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries and future industrial agglomeration. Each town Street (Park) combines the territorial resource endowment and comparative advantages, and focuses on several industrial fields with key development, and completes the construction of space carriers and supporting facilities. Cities and towns (parks) jointly carry out precise investment promotion, industrial chain investment promotion, business investment promotion and technology investment promotion. [Municipal development and reform bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, municipal investment promotion bureau are responsible according to the division of functions, and relevant towns and streets (parks) implement territorial responsibilities] 〕

(6) actively expand application scenarios. Research and develop a list of typical application scenarios. Accelerate the large-scale application of new technologies and new products in major projects and build application test sites. Organize and implement a batch of cross-field application projects with strong demonstration, high display and wide driving, and accelerate the verification of new technologies, the large-scale application of new products and the cultivation of new business models. Dynamically update the promotion and application catalogue of innovative products and the first (set) major technical equipment, the first batch of key new materials, and the first edition of software promotion and application guidance catalogue. (Municipal bureau of science and technology, Municipal Bureau of Development and Reform, Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology are responsible for the division of functions)

(8) strengthen the guarantee of industrial space. Create a batch of characteristic parks with distinct industrial positioning, comprehensive matching and efficient operation and management, look forward to the layout and focus on the construction of future industrial pilot zones, further gather scientific and technological innovation resources, and accelerate the transformation of achievements and industrialization development. We will continue to promote the construction of seven strategic emerging industrial bases, accelerate the construction of modern industrial parks, promote the construction of high quality low-cost industrial space, and provide various high-quality industrial spaces for strategic emerging industries and future industrial development. (Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, municipal bureau of science and technology, Municipal Bureau of Development and Reform, municipal bureau of natural resources are responsible for the division of functions)

(9) strengthen the growth system of enterprise echelon. Improve the gradient cultivation system of "state-province-city" of "specialized and special new" enterprises, and cultivate national "small giant" enterprises, provincial "specialized and special new" enterprises and single Champion Enterprises of manufacturing industry at all levels. Carry out special actions to improve the resilience of key industrial chain supply chains, link "chain owners" enterprises and leading enterprises to speed up the centralized layout of first-level supply chain enterprises, and cultivate a number of second-level enterprises with strong collaborative innovation and technological research capabilities in the industrial chain, three-level supply chain enterprises. Support manufacturing enterprises to "transfer enterprises, split rotor, and small upgrade regulations". (Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Development and Reform, municipal bureau of science and technology shall be responsible for the division of functions)

(10) dynamically adjust the categories of industrial clusters. Strengthen the follow-up research of industrial development. Under the condition that the strategic emerging industrial clusters and the future industrial framework system remain unchanged as a whole, combined with the actual development situation and trends of DongguanAdjust and continuously improve strategic emerging industrial clusters and future industrial systems. Strengthen forward-looking research and judgment on strategic emerging industries and future industrial development trends at home and abroad, update and adjust key areas and key links, and optimize various strategic emerging industrial clusters and future industrial action plans. (Municipal Development and Reform Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology are responsible for the division of functions)