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China Launches Anti-Discrimination Investigation on Canada's Restrictive Measures against Chinese Electric Vehicles and Other Commodities


The Ministry of Commerce of China announced on the 26th that it would launch an anti-discrimination investigation on the relevant restrictive measures taken by Canada on Chinese electric vehicles, steel and aluminum products and other commodities.

According to the announcement, the preliminary evidence and information obtained by the Ministry of Commerce show that Canada will impose tariffs and other restrictions on relevant electric vehicles and steel and aluminum products imported from China in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. According to relevant regulations, the Ministry of Commerce decided to start anti-discrimination investigation on relevant Canadian investigated measures from September 26, 2024.

The original text is as follows:

announcement of Ministry of Commerce on anti-discrimination investigation on Canada's restrictive measures against China

according to Article 7 and Article 30 of the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China, any country or region adopts discriminatory prohibition, restriction or other similar measures against the People's Republic of China in terms of trade, the People's Republic of China may take corresponding measures against the country or the region according to the actual situation. The Ministry of Commerce may initiate relevant investigations on its own or in conjunction with other relevant departments of the State Council.

Preliminary evidence and information obtained by the Ministry of Commerce show that Canada will impose tariffs and other restrictive measures (hereinafter referred to as relevant investigated measures) on relevant electric vehicles and steel and aluminum products imported from China. In line with the situation of "adopting discriminatory prohibition, restriction or other similar measures against the People's Republic of China in terms of trade" stipulated in Article 7 of the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China.

According to the provisions of Article 36 and Article 37 of the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Commerce decided to start anti-discrimination investigation on relevant Canadian investigated measures from September 26, 2024. The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

i. Measures under investigation

(1) from October 1, 2024, 100% additional tax will be levied on all electric vehicles made in China.

(Ii) from October 15, 2024, 25% additional tax will be levied on steel and aluminum products imported from China.

(3) restrict the scope of countries that can enjoy Canada's clean energy vehicle subsidies.

In addition, the Canadian government has launched a 30-day public consultation on the taxation of batteries and battery parts, solar energy products, semiconductors and key minerals imported from China since September 10, the follow-up measures taken by the Canadian government are also within the scope of this investigation.

II. Investigation procedure

according to Article 37 of the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China, the investigation can be conducted by means of written questionnaires, hearing, field investigation, entrusted investigation, etc. The Ministry of Commerce shall submit an investigation report or make a ruling on handling according to the investigation results, and issue an announcement.

III. Investigation period

the investigation began on September 26, 2024, and the investigation period is usually 3 months, which can be appropriately extended under special circumstances.

IV. Access to public information

during the investigation, interested parties can query the public information of the case through the sub-website of the trade relief investigation bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, or go to the trade relief public information inspection room of the Ministry of Commerce (tel: 008610-65197878) to search, read, copy and copy the case to publicInformation.

V. Submit Comments

interested parties may submit comments on issues related to the filing and investigation procedures to the trade relief investigation bureau of the Ministry of Commerce in written form within 30 days from the date of this announcement.

In order to ensure the fairness, justice, openness and transparency of this investigation, interested parties can fill in the comment form in writing within 30 days from the date of this announcement (see attachment) and submitted to the trade relief investigation bureau of the Ministry of Commerce.

VI. Hearing application

interested parties may submit the hearing application to the trade relief investigation bureau of the Ministry of Commerce in written form within 20 days from the date of this announcement.

VII. Intergovernmental consultations

in order to eliminate and remedy the impact caused or likely to be caused by the investigated measures, the Canadian government may submit to the Ministry of Commerce (trade relief Investigation Bureau) in written form within 30 days from the date of publication of this announcement. Submit an application for intergovernmental consultation with the Chinese government.

VIII. Submission and processing of information

interested parties should submit comments, answers, etc. during the investigation process through the "trade relief investigation information platform" ( to submit an electronic version, and according to the requirements of the Ministry of Commerce, submit a written version at the same time. The content of the electronic version and the written version should be the same, and the format should be consistent.

If interested parties believe that the leakage of the information provided by them will have serious adverse effects, they may apply to the Ministry of Commerce for handling according to the confidential information and explain the reasons. If the Ministry of Commerce agrees to its request, the interested party applying for confidentiality shallAt the same time, provide a non-confidential summary of the confidential information. The non-confidential summary shall contain sufficient and meaningful information so that other interested parties can have a reasonable understanding of the confidential information. If a non-confidential summary cannot be provided, the reasons shall be stated. If the information submitted by the interested party does not indicate that it needs to be kept confidential, the Ministry of Commerce will regard the information as public information.

Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

september 26, 2024