Battery Acupuncture Test Standard
In the field of batteries, acupuncture test is an important safety assessment method, which is used to evaluate the safety performance of batteries when they are damaged externally. Acupuncture test can simulate external damage such as puncture or impact that the battery may suffer during use, so as to evaluate potential safety hazards such as short circuit, overheating and explosion of the battery. This article will introduce the standard method, test parameters and interpretation of test results of battery acupuncture test.
1. Standard methods
battery acupuncture test usually follows the following standard methods:
- acupuncture tool: the commonly used acupuncture tool is sharp metal needles, the diameter is usually between 1-3mm, and the probe shape can be sharp conical or straight pointed.
- Test conditions: when conducting acupuncture test, it is usually necessary to control the ambient temperature, humidity and other conditions to ensure the accuracy of the test results.
- Test parameters: During the test, parameters such as acupuncture depth, acupuncture speed and application force should be recorded for subsequent analysis and evaluation.
2. Test parameters
when conducting battery acupuncture test, we need to pay attention to the following main test parameters:
- acupuncture depth: acupuncture depth is the depth of the pointer head completely penetrating the battery shell, usually in millimeters (mm).
- Acupuncture speed: acupuncture speed is the speed of the pointer head penetrating the battery shell, usually in millimeters per second (mm/s).
- Exert force: force applied refers to the force applied to the needle during acupuncture test, usually in Newton (N).
3. Interpretation of test results
according to the results of battery acupuncture test, the safety of the battery can be evaluated and judged:
- short circuit condition: If the acupuncture test causes a short circuit inside the battery, it may cause safety problems such as overheating, fire or explosion of the battery.
- Security Protection: Through the acupuncture test results, the strength and safety protection performance of the battery shell can be evaluated, providing reference basis for battery design and use.
4. Application field
battery acupuncture testThe test is widely used in various types of batteries, including lithium ion batteries, Ni-MH batteries, lead-acid batteries, etc. In the fields of electric vehicles, mobile power supply, energy storage system and so on, battery acupuncture test is an important means to evaluate the safety performance of batteries.
Battery acupuncture test is an important method to evaluate the safety performance of the battery. By simulating the situation when the battery is damaged externally, the potential safety hazards such as short circuit and overheating of the battery can be evaluated. Reasonable test parameters and accurate interpretation of test results are very important to ensure the safe use of batteries.